Purchase Planner App

Class Project

Date: Sept.-Nov. 2017

Scope: User Research, Ideation, Wireframing, Balsamiq Prototyping, Sketch App, Usability Testing, Hueristics Evaluation


As millennials start to gain more purchasing power, they need a way to make better purchasing decisions. Based on 30-minute interviews with 9 different participants, we discovered several opportunities with the process of making large purchases. Users needed a better way to collaborate, manage finances, compare options, and receive alerts.


As a team, we were tasked with conducting research, ideation sessions, prototyping, and testing an app to assist with large purchases. I developed an interviewing strategy that helped uncover the insight of the need for collaboration. I designed the wireframes for the collaboration and comparison features. I then took those features back to users for user feedback and iterated on another version.

After the project ended, I decided to create a high-fidelity mockup and address some of the feature integration issues from our testing as well as the visual design. Later tests showed users felt the features would be useful. The usability of the final mockup was much more intuitive and users were able to navigate through the application with ease.